You Wish You Were the Wind / Le Vent Nous Portera

Duration: 3’00”


The inspiration for this work was a Panorama documentary on Canvas, Meanwhile in Saudi Arabi. The programme showed us a peculiar and frightening picture of a country where human rights are constantly violated and where the burka is ubiquitous.

The 3D animation shows a woman in a burka, standing still, straight, rigid against the wind. Only her burka moves and billows in the wind.

The first title, You wish you were the wind, was taken from the song A Time to Be Small by Interpol. The second title, Le vent nous portera, refers to the first stanza of a song by Noir Désir: ‘I am not afraid of the road, you should look, you must listen to the squirming of your inner being and everything will end well, the wind will carry us.’

The animation is purposely ‘soundless’, in order to create the necessary peace and serenity. It is best shown on a vertical screen – or by vertical projection – in a dark room. 



Can be combined with the sculpture: Mindcaging