Infinite Ice Cube Sculpture No.1

In this work the artist uses home made ice cubes attached to a stucture of stainless steel wires. The cubes melt and change form. Depending on the melting process new ice cubes can at random be added to the construction.

The meltwater is collected by the sand and moss underneath the sculpture.

The term ‘infinite’ refers both to the artistic method used and to the shape of the ice cubes. They can endlessly be made and added to the work of art. The shape of the cubes refersd to the scientific symbol for ‘infinity’.

Of course, it’s also ambiguous in the sense that the ice melts and keeps disappearing. The artwork is not as infinite as it seems.

Video clips are made from the melting process in different seasons.


Follow-up project: Infinite Ice cube sculpture No.2.



Infinite Ice Cube Sculpture No.1 Winter


Duration: 4’12”





Infinite Ice Cube Sculpture No.1 Summer


Duration: 7’32”




Infinite Ice Cube Sculpture No.1 Spring



Duration: 2’05”





Slow Construction Deformation

This work came about during the creation of The Infinite Ice Cube Sculpture. The wooden moulds and inox stuctures of that sculpture were re-used here.

This video shows a seemingly immobile sculpture, but close observation reveals a construction that slowly changes its form in about 10 minutes. This is not a 3D-animation. The artist uses real objects  and looks for video techniques to simulate form change.



Duration: 10’00”