Melting Targets No.1 and No.2

Exhibition view Melting Targets No.1 and No.2
Duration: 58”



‘Melting Targets’ is both a three-dimensional work and a painting. A rustproof metal mould with targets made of ice is put on a canvas in version No.1 and No.2. The ice melts and the coloured water drips on the canvas,  evaporates and leaves a colour pattern behind. Depending on the colours in the targets, the amount of paint in the ice, the temperature of the canvas and/or the room a different work of art is created.

The content here is ‘man and their targets and aspirations’: whether one achieves one’s goals or not, one always leaves traces behind. More directly there is a link with climate strategies and targets: attempts are made worldwide, but the ice on the poles and glaciers disappears at an alarming speed. From an art-historical point of view this work refers to the Target Paintings by Jasper Johns.



Link to Melting Targets No.3





Melting Targets No.2

Melting proces Melting Targets No.2
Duration: 35”






Melting Targets No.1

Melting proces Melting Targets No.1
Duration: 58”


A canvas is put on a wooden board. The idea was to recycle and re-use the board, and then mount the canvas on a frame. As the paint ran from underneath the canvas onto the board, the canvas could not be removed.